Below are the current sweepstakes standings. The ASRBA sweepstakes contest runs from July 1st to June 30th of the following year.
A Satin/Mini Satin sweepstakes system stimulates interest and competition among ASRBA breeders nationally. A member is granted points for Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Variety, Best Opposite of Variety and First through Fifth place in class, as well as White Fur and Colored Fur. (See Schedule.)
The total number of points earned by each member at sanctioned shows during the year is tabulated by the ASRBA Sweepstakes Chairman. The Sweepstakes year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year. The ASRBA sponsors separate sweepstakes contests for both Satins and Mini Satins. Contest categories for both breeds include Overall Open, Open Variety, Open Fur, Overall Youth, Youth Variety and Youth Fur. The awards for the above contests are as follows:
- Overall Open – Award for top 25 winners, their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
- Open Variety – Award for top 3 winners for each variety, their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
- Open Fur – Award for top 3 winners in White Fur and Colored Fur, their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
- Overall Youth – Award for top 25 winners, their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
- Youth Variety – Award for top 3 winners for each variety, their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
- Youth Fur – Award for top 3 winners for each variety,their points must total at least 100 points to receive award
Sweepstakes Rules
- All exhibitors are expected to follow the show rules of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA).
- To qualify for sweepstakes points, exhibitor must be a member of the ASRBA at the time of the show, or must join during the show before judging.
- All open class exhibitors’ personal name(s) must be listed on the entry form for all ARBA shows.
- All youth exhibitors’ name(s) must be listed on the entry form for all ARBA Youth shows. Entries will not be accepted in family names. If the rabbit is owned in conjunction with another youth, the names of ALL owners must be listed.
- Youth may show in either Youth or Open, but sweepstakes points earned will be recorded in the division they are won in. They will not be combined.
- Open and Youth Sweepstakes points to be determined as follows:
- six (6) points for first place
- four (4) points for second place
- three (3) points for third place
- two (2) points for fourth place
- one (1) point for fifth place
The above points for each placement to be multiplied by the number of rabbits judged in each class – Two (2) points for Best of Variety, one (1) point for Best Opposite Sex of Variety; these points to be multiplied by the total number judged in that variety. Two (2) points for Best of Breed, one (1) point for Best Opposite Sex of Breed; these points to be multiplied by the total number of Satins or Mini Satins judged.
Open and Youth Variety Sweepstakes points to be determined by adding the class points, Best of Variety points, Best Opposite Sex of Variety points Best of Breed, and Best Opposite Sex of Breed as described in the sweepstakes points schedule (above) to the total variety points for each variety shown.
There is a separate Fur Sweepstakes.
Points to be determined as follows:
- six (6) points for first place
- four (4) points for second place
- three (3) points for third place
- two (2) points for fourth
- one (1) point for fifth place
The above points for each placement to be multiplied by the number of rabbits judged in the proper White or Colored Fur Class the rabbit is shown in. These points will not count in the regular class sweepstakes.
One hundred (100) bonus points are awarded in Open and Youth regular class sweepstakes for showing at the National All-Satin Show or the ARBA National Convention Show. In addition, sweepstakes points are awarded in the regular variety and fur classes at the National All-Satin Show and the ARBA Convention show in both Open and Youth as follows:
- 1st place — 12 points times the number in the class
- 2nd place — 10 points times the number in the class
- 3rd place — 8 points times the number in the class
- 4th place — 7 points times the number in the class
- 5th place — 6 points times the number in the class
- 6th place — 5 points times the number in the class
- 7th place — 4 points times the number in the class
- 8th place — 3 points times the number in the class
- 9th place — 2 points times the number in the class
- 10th place — 1 point times the number in the class
Bonus points awarded for BOV, BOSV, BOB, BOS are the same as other sanctioned shows. It is important to note that exhibitors MUST be a member of the ASRBA before judging at the ARBA National Convention to be eligible to win those added sweepstakes points or to receive prizes offered for the National Convention by the ASRBA.
View past sweepstakes results by choosing from the dropdown menu.