ASRBA By-laws Article III, Sections 1 – 6

ASRBA By‐laws Section 1. Any local, state or district organization chartered by the ARBA may affiliated ARBA may affiliate with this Association, upon making application to the Secretary of this Association and providing the Secretary a copy of their Constitution, By-Laws, and Show Rules. The Organization’s Constitution, By-Laws, Show Rules or regulations cannot conflict with the Constitution, By-Laws, or Show Rules of the American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.

Section 2. Each such organization becoming so affiliated shall pay five dollars ($5.00) per year for the first twenty‐five (25) members, or fraction thereof, and five dollars ($5.00) for each additional twentyfive (25) members, or fraction thereof, belonging to the organization.

Section 3. Each such organization shall be allowed one delegate at any meeting of the American Satin Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc.

Section 4. Each such organization shall be allowed one vote on any referendum for the first five dollars ($5.00) and also one vote for each additional five dollars ($5.00) paid in dues to the ASRBA.

Section 5. Any delegate may cast the votes of the organization as authorized, in writing and signed by the President and Secretary, by the organization, which he/she represents.

Section 6. Affiliated Satin Clubs should be listed in each issue of the Satin News and shall be entitled to a free 1/4‐page advertisement in the Satin News for any of their shows.


Please Note: PayPal fee of 5% (identified as tax), will be added for online applications.
If you do NOT wish to pay for your club’s affilliation using PayPal,
please download the ASRBA Club Affiliation form in PDF format.

If not, please email your CBL
If yes, please email your CBL
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